Contributed by: Reno Ybarra. Reno brings over 5 years of experience in Analyst Relations.
AR is misunderstood. The education of internal stakeholders is vital to the success of any AR program but how do you acquire AR evangelists inside your own company?
Internal stakeholders, from the salesforce to executives, are vital partners in the success of an AR program, and from my experience, I’ve found that profiling them is just as important as the analysts you obsess over.
Learning how to effectively communicate with different internal personas will help validate your program, and lead to better understanding and respect, but ultimately - and maybe more importantly - budget increases, promotions, and shared praise among your peers.
Three important ingredients for success:
1. Mapping
The art of profiling an audience is ingrained in most communicators from the start. As a young public relations professional, I remember how important it was to understand the difference between an editor-at-large, beat reporter, photo editor or producer. Analyst Relations is no different.
Analysts come in all flavors from the technical, deep-in-weeds types who write for end-users to role-based specialists who help vendors view their marketing assets through the lens of a buyer.
Part of building relationships with analysts is understanding which audience types they influence and then mapping that back to the goals of your AR program.
You can download an Analyst Coverage map/chart template [here].
2. Profiling
As communicators, we have a chameleon instinct to learn the different languages our audiences speak, the environments they live in, and how to effectively attract their attention.
In PR, everything matters from the subject of your pitch to the time of day that you call a producer in the morning.
In AR, we strategically place reports in front of buyers, leverage certain analysts to understand market dynamics and competition, and forge relationships with the lead authors of major evaluation reports.
3. Translating
Knowing how to work with and leverage analysts is no small feat but let’s flip those tactics inward and profile internal stakeholders. Make your AR program look and sound similar to their environment by translating your world into their language.
Role-Based Insights:
Salespeople are busy, driven by commissions and sometimes mistake marketing for something trivial.
Have you ever handed a Magic Quadrant or Wave to a salesperson and told them, “AR has just eliminated the qualification step of the sales cycle by establishing ourselves as one of the leaders/top 15 vendors in this market…”?
Share peer reviews, reports and customer reference processes to provide an opportunity for salespeople to “reestablish relationships with an account” or “touch base with an account to provide an update on our roadmap, creating an upsell opportunity.”
Executives are hard to pin down, short on time and goal-oriented.
Instead of reporting the minutiae of what you do as an AR pro, stick to successes that align with corporate goals:
leads or pipeline revenue generated by analyst-created assets, leadership/improvements in evaluation reports year-over-year
positive pull-quotes from various analyst mentions or interactions
get to the point and use brevity as your weapon.
CMO/Marketing VPs love a good story, want to look good with executives, and can be your best champion.
Instead of reporting the numbers, build a story out of them - find an analogy that explains the success and growth of the program.
For example, there’s the boxing analogy of “punching above your weight class” or maybe your team “took the restrictor plate off of” the race car that is your AR program to unleash the full power of what it can do.
My favorite example is when we compared our program to the process of viniculture - transforming the program (grapes change color), maintaining success in evaluations (protecting the crop) and implementing new processes and creating excitement (harvest/crush).
Imagine your AR program is being evaluated just like products in a Magic Quadrant or Wave. Whether it’s HR, your manager or the C-suite, they’re all looking at you, judging you and comparing you to other departments or functions within the company. Make time to translate your success and your program may just find an AR evangelist.