An Analyst Relations Managers' Analyst Coverage Chart helps you quickly and visually identify which industry analysts to engage with, and how to target your outreach efforts most effectively. The chart provides a visual representation of the analyst landscape, including who covers a particular market segment, what they focus on, how influential they are in the industry, and what form of market engagement they prefer.
For example, if you’re preparing to launch a new product, the chart can help you identify which analysts are likely to be interested in covering the product, and which ones have the most influence with you target audience. Similarly, if a company wants to expand into a new market, the map can help them identify which analysts cover that market and provide insights into your specific areas of expertise.
To create an Analyst Coverage chart, start by identifying the key market segments are important to your organization. Research the analysts who cover those segments, paying attention to factors such as their level of influence in the industry, scope of your coverage, their areas of focus, as well as their market participation patterns and Analyst archetypes. For example, does this Industry Analyst typically seem to enjoy:
Being a trusted advisor tend to prioritize assisting their clients in understanding technology trends, designing solutions, and selecting technology vendors.
Exploring possible future trends and needs. They thrive at providing advice to companies regarding what they should do to be successful in the future. They tend to help companies more so than individual buyers.
Talking about their industry and sharing their knowledge with others. They’re active in the market, speaking at events and on webinars, writing articles, and talking with the media to share their ideas and predictions about what they believe is going to happen in the future.
Your Analyst Coverage Map is an evolving document. You may not have all the answers, or even the correct Analysts targeted; however, with time, it will evolve to contain the data you need. Start somewhere. 😊
The long-term goal is to create a clear and concise overview of your company’s industry analyst landscape to better target your outreach efforts and maximize the impact of your analyst relations program. By focusing on the most influential and relevant analysts, you’re better equipped for reaching the right audience for being heard by those who can positively impact your business and Analyst Relations goals.
For example, by deepening the evaluation through the inclusion of and Analyst Archetype and Analyst Tier, you’re also able to go beyond a topic-based evaluation. For instance, if you’re looking to invite a Tier 1 analysts to an event in London, they could filter by coverage location, tier, and topic to make sure you're inviting the right analysts.
Keep in mind that sometimes an analyst’s location doesn’t correlate with the geography which the analyst covers. For example, an analyst may live in London, yet only take inquiries from NA clients a that's their focus.
Lastly, and equally importantly, your Analyst Coverage Map can help you identify gaps in your analyst coverage and prioritize outreach efforts accordingly. For example, if a company identifies that there are no analysts covering a particular market segment, they can take steps to engage with analysts who have relevant expertise and encourage them to cover the market.
Analyst Coverage Chart Template:
Contributed by Nicholas Costa. Nicholas brings over 7 years of experience in Analyst Relations, and was a former employee of Gartner.